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Juniper (Year 6)

Welcome to Juniper Class!

Mr Latter, Mrs Bennett and Mrs Bull would like to welcome you to Year 6! We are very excited to teach your children and help them to become the best people that they can. 

In Maths, we follow the White Rose curriculum, which involves using concrete and pictorial methods to solve fluency calculations, problem-solving and reasoning.   

In English, we are following the Pathways to Write Programme and linking other select texts to our Connected Learning. Our key text this term is Star of Fear, Star of Hope. This text forms the basis of a large part of our curriculum this term, where we will be exploring many different aspects of World War 2. Alongside these lessons, the children will have 2 lessons of spelling and handwriting as part of our No Nonsense spelling curriculum and our Letter-Join handwriting curriculum.

In Reading, the children will have 3 reading lessons per week from our Pathways to Read curriculum, as well as daily opportunities to read their own reading book in class. Once children have completed their reading book, they will then take an Accelerated Reader quiz. Our aim is an average of 85% and above.

Our connected curriculum themes this term are: Light (Science) and Battles post 1066 (History).

Seesaw will be used by us to post: Home learning challenges, termly spelling lists, reading challenges and class information.

Children are provided with all log in information in the back of the children's reading records for Seesaw, Accelerated Reader and Times Tables Rockstars.

Please contact the office (on 01233 614660 or email on ) if you have any questions or would like to arrange a time to talk. The children also have their reading records which you can write notes in to communicate with us.