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Oak (Year 5)

Welcome to Year 5 – 2024-2025

Miss Tree and Mrs Martin would like to welcome you all to Oak.

An Outline of Our Learning

In Maths, we follow the White Rose curriculum, which involves using concrete and pictorial methods to solve fluency calculations, problem-solving and reasoning.   

We are also developing mathematical fluency by following a new Maths Mastery programme, whereby the children will develop a solid foundation for conceptual reasoning.

In English, we are following the Pathways to Write Programme and linking other select texts to our Connected Learning. Our key texts this term are: 'Varjak Paw' and 'Lost Happy Endings'. There is a key focus on vocabulary for writing as well as editing and improving our grammar, spelling and punctuation. We look at specific rules and patterns each week and complete regular spelling activities. 

In reading, the children will continue reading their home books and guided reading texts. Once they finish reading a book, they need to take an Accelerated Reader quiz. Our aim is an average of 85% and above.

Our Connected Learning big question for Term 3 is...

  • Heroes and Villains, exploration and discovery

Although there is no formal homework in Year 5, we would appreciate you reading daily with your child and practising spellings and times tables, as this will have a positive impact on their confidence in lessons. We will also set termly homework challenges linked to our learning. Please see the link below. This can be brought into class during the term or shared on Seesaw so we can then share in class. 

Children will be provided with ALL Log-in information in the back of their reading records.

Please note for Term 2:

Monday = PE (PE kits)

Tuesday = Swimming kit

ALL children must bring a coat to school every day in Term 3. 

Please contact the office (on 01233 614660 or email on  if you have any questions or would like to arrange a time to talk. The children also have their contact book and reading journal  which you can write notes in to communicate with us.

Kind regards,

Miss Tree (Class Teacher) and Mrs Martin (TA) 


Oak Timetable Term 1

Oak Timetable Term 2

Oak Timetable Term 3


Year 5 Term 1 Newsletter

Year 5 Term 2 Newsletter

Year 5 Term 3 Newsletter


Year 5 Term 1 Spelling List

Year 5 Term 2 Spelling List

Year 5 Term 1 Spelling List



Home Learning

Year 5 Term 1 Homework

Year 5 Term 2 Homework

Year 5 Term 3 Homework

Additional Documents

Information for parents on reading.pdf

HomeGuide for Letter-join.pdf

Useful Website Links
