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Birch & Aspen Class (SRP)

Welcome to Birch & Aspen Classes


SRP Lead Teacher: Miss Mullen

SRP Teaching Assistants: Mrs Clark and Mrs Bridges

Speech and Language Therapists: Mrs Hedges and Mrs Eakins


Term 4 Key Information

  • Speech and Language Therapists will be in school working with the children on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. 
  • Provision Plan meetings will be held towards the end of Term 4. You will be contacted to book these in. 
  • World Book Day dress up - Friday 7th March 
  • Book Fair - Monday 3rd - Thursday 6th after school until 4pm in Olive Branch
  • Parents' Evenings are being held on Wednesday 5th March and Thursday 6th March. Please book in a slot with your child's base class teacher. 

Term 4 Learning

This term, we will be using the Black Sheep Press 'Key Stage 2, From Oral to Written Narrative' document in our English sessions. This programme of work was developed by Speech and Language Therapists to develop children's understanding of narrative components so that they can work toward building a simple story framework and builds on both their spoken and written language. In Maths, the children will be exploring multiplication and division throughout Term 4. The learning will recap key knowledge from last year and use a range of resources to introduce new concepts. 




SRP Blog



 Term 4 Timetable


Home Learning


Please continue to read with your child each day at home. You can use the Language Through Colour prompts and questions to support your child when answering questions about the story. 

Practise of number facts such as number bonds to 20 and the 2, 5 and 10 times tables will support your child in retaining key knowledge. The links below will provide some activities to support this. 

Please also explore our SRP page with further information about the interventions that your child may be involved in.


Useful Links







SRP Birch & Aspen Gallery