On behalf of the pupils, staff and governors, I would like to welcome you to The John Wesley Church of England & Methodist (Aided) Primary School. We are all extremely proud to be part of this school.
As the Headteacher, my number one priority is to ensure that we always put all of our learners at the very heart of everything we do. Our school has a strong warm family feel and a sense of belonging for everyone who joins our school community. Within the context of Christian belief and practice, every child in our school is nurtured within the love of God to feel safe and valued. We encourage everyone to make a positive contribution to all aspects of school life.
The teachers here care about the children a great deal and work incredibly hard to ensure the children have the best learning opportunities possible. We pride ourselves on delivering a broad and varied connected curriculum that is fun and interesting. We feel that to ensure the children have the best chance to reach their potential, the pupils should be happy and secure in their school environment. We have high aspirations for every child and an expectation that they will excel and achieve their potential. We understand that every child is precious, blessed with their own unique set of gifts and talents. With this in mind, we work hard to encourage and support every child as they discover where their strengths lie. We want to ensure that the needs of all our children are met in all areas of school life and that each child is given a wealth of experience and opportunities. This in turn, will guarantee they leave John Wesley CEM Primary School at the end of Year 6, feeling extremely confident, responsible and resilient members of society, ready for their next stage of their life. I want all our children to wake up each morning thrilled about going to our school, proud to wear our uniform and ready to tell you what they have learnt when they return home each day.
Within this website, you will hopefully find exactly what you are looking for and you should contact us if this proves difficult. We always welcome the opportunity to show you around our school so we can share what makes it such a special place to be. Please feel free to contact the school to arrange a visit.
Kind regards,
Miss Harrington, Headteacher