Teacher-led after school clubs are run on a seasonal term basis. This means that they run for two terms at a time. If there is to be a change to the club parents will be notified at the end of each seasonal term.
There are some After School clubs run by outside providers for which there will be a cost to parents. Please talk to the Office about when the clubs are run. (See timetable below)
Specific details of each club may be sent separately once your child has the place in the club. In the event of oversubscription to a club, names will be drawn out of a hat. Those not selected will be put on a waiting list in the event that a space becomes available.
If there is bad weather or staff absence, a club may have to be cancelled as a last resort. We will notify you if this is the case, usually by an in-app message and/or email through Arbor, as soon as possible so parents are able to make alternative arrangements.
Once your child becomes a member of a club, we expect commitment and regular attendance. Absence from the club for any reason, other than absence from school that day, needs to be explained to the club leader in advance. If your child has a place in a club, siblings cannot be looked after in school and would need to be picked up/dropped off as normal. Any club that is under subscribed may be subject to cancellation with appropriate notice.
All teacher-led clubs will run from 3.15pm until 4.00pm. To avoid congestion and for safety and security, parents and guardians must wait outside on the relevant playground (depending on which classroom the club is taking place) to collect children at the end of club sessions. Please collect your child promptly at 4.00pm. If your child is not collected on time then we will send them to Teatime Club which will incur a cost.
On the advice of Kent Police, it is school policy that all children attending after school clubs must be collected by an adult and not walk home unaccompanied. For pupil safety reasons, any child who cannot be collected from school by an adult will not be able to attend our After School clubs.
Spring Clubs 2025