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Cognition & Learning

At The John Wesley CEMP School, we believe that all children's learning is understood developmentally which means that children develop at different rates and at their own pace.  We support through whole class teaching, small groups and interventions, individual comments and pre and post teaching.  

However, sometimes children have specific difficulties with learning.  This might be just in one subject such as English or Maths and could indicate difficulties such as severe and persistent literacy difficulties (dyslexia) or dyspraxia; or across a range of subjects indicating global learning difficulties.  

Please see below for some resources and website links to support Cognition and Learning.

Kent County Council approach to Literacy Development


 For further information about Phonics at JWS, please go to our Phonics and Spelling page:Phonics Page



Reading Prompts.pdfHelen Arkell Dyslexia Centre - Home support dyslexia booklet.pdf



Spelling Challenge Activity Key Stage 1.pdf