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Cypress Class (Year 6)

Welcome to Cypress Class


Class Teacher: Mrs Peters

Class Teaching Assistants: Mrs Wickens and Mrs Osmundsen

PPA Class Teacher: Mrs Olley

Term 4 Key Information

  • We have Forest School on Monday afternoons
  • Catch-up swimmers will continue their lessons at the Stour Centre on a Thursday afternoon
  • Our non-swimmers will have indoor PE on a Thursday afternoon
  • Parent evenings are the Wednesday 5th and Thursday 6th March - please book in a slot at on Arbor
  • After school revision sessions will begin this term - see letter
  • World Book Day Dress-Up - Friday 7th March
  • Book Week with a Book Fair - Monday 3rd - Thursday 6th after school until 4pm in Olive Branch

Term 4 Connected Learning

This term, our learning focuses on 'The Galapagos Islands'. In the 1800s, Charles Darwin explored these islands and made detailed recordings of his findings. Due to his research, it revolutionised the people's understanding of evolution and natural selection. The animals living within the island demonstrated unique characteristics allowing them to thrive within the environment. We will be studying this in detail within our Science lessons and in Geography will be looking closely at the formation of islands and the physical and natural features found in South America. 

Key Texts


Year 6 Cypress Class Blog


Cypress Timetable


Year 6 Newsletter Term 1 2024

Year 6 Newsletter Term 2 2024Year 6 Newsletter Term 3 2025Year 6 Newsletter Term 4 2025

Home Learning

This term, we will be focusing on revision for our upcoming SATS tests. 

In addition to the home learning creative project, each week we will be sending home a Maths and GPS revision booklet - these will go out on a Monday and we would like them to be handed back in the following Monday for marking. This is to support your child's ability in knowing how to revise for upcoming exams and the benefits of doing so - these are good skills to practise as they will undoubtedly be beneficial leading into secondary school and beyond.


Term 4 Creative Home Learning



 Term 4 Group 1 Spellings

Term 4 Group 2 Spellings

Useful Links

 TT RockstarsHit the ButtonSeeSawGet Epic

AR Bookfinder

Year 6 Cypress Gallery