The school benefits from having a very active FRIENDS Association. Membership is open to all and consists of parents, teachers, governors and indeed anybody else who wishes to support us and join in events. They organise enjoyable social and fund-raising events every year. The FRIENDS’ efforts help all children by providing the school with valuable extra resources.
In the past years FRIENDS have organised and/or donated to the following:
- Christmas and summer fairs
- Afternoon tea for mums and special people
- Breakfast for dads and special people
- Elfridges
- School discos
- End of year hoodies for Y6 leavers
- Printed Christmas cards of the children’s designs
- Book bags and phonics pack for EYFS
- Shed for playground equipment
- Library books
- Accelerated reader programme for KS2
The FRIENDS also meet regularly to discuss school and community issues and plan the events diary. All parents are invited to these meetings.