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Maple Class (Year 2)

Welcome to Maple Class


Class Teacher: Miss MacDonell

Class Teaching Assistants: Miss Keeley, Mrs Rucaj and Mr Blackman

PPA Class Teacher: Mrs Nickelson

Term 4 Key Information

  • We have PE on Tuesdays and forest school on Friday mornings.
  • Parent's Evenings are on Wednesday 5th March and Thursday 6th March.
  • World Book dress up day is Friday 7th March.
  • Book Fair - Monday 3rd-Thursday 6th after school until 4pm.
  • Science week 10th-15th March.
  • Maple Class Worship - Friday 14th March.
  • Victorian Day - 27th March.
  • Comic Relief - Friday 21st March.
  • Easter Service - Thursday 3rd April.
  • End of term - Friday 4th April.

Term 4 Connected Learning

Over the next term we are going to be investigating our big question ‘What can we learn from events in the past? The Victorians'. We will be learning about The Victorians and making comparisons between life now and then. 

Our Connected Learning incorporates Science, History, Art, DT and Music. In Term 4 we will be studying the life of The Victorians.  Our in-depth study will focus on Queen Victoria, The Victorians and making comparisons between life in the Victorian Era and life in 2025. In Science, we will be taking part in a range of investigations and focusing on the Science skills needed for investigation.  In ICT, we will focus on algorithms and programming. Our PE learning this term will encourage the children to develop their ball skills and apply these to team games. In RE, we will be answering the big question ‘Why does Easter matter to Christians?’

Key Texts




Year 2 Maple Class Blog



 Spring Timetable



 Year 2 Newsletter Term 1 2024Year 2 Newsletter Term 2 2024Year 2 Newsletter Term 3 2025Year 2 Newsletter Term 4 2025


Home Learning

We are asking your child to compare their own life to the life of a Victorian child. The children are welcome to present their work in a range of ways. For example, a recorded news report, a poster, a leaflet or a powerpoint (converted to PDF in order to upload to Seesaw).


Useful Links

 Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds


Topmarks: teaching resources, interactive resources, worksheets, homework, exam and revision help


Fun learning activities for 6-7-year-olds - Oxford Owl for Home

Instantly Access 40K+ Kids' Books & More | Epic


Year 2 Maple Gallery