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As the school is named after the founder of the Methodist church the links the school makes with our local Methodist churches are really important to us, this involves inviting Reverend Adrian Roux (Methodist Presbyter appointed to serve as superintendent of the South Kent circuit) and Tom Lewis (Community Chaplin and Housing Missioner for Ashford) into school to deliver worships and to support RE lessons. They also use the school site to hold services for the local community. 

Methodist worship takes place on two sites in Ashford as part of a partnership with the United Reformed Church under the banner United Church Ashford, they are also a part of the South Kent Methodist Circuit.Cade Road Logo

Cade Road Church

The nearest site to the school, is on the corner of Cade Road and Kingsnorth Road, is known as the United Church Cade Road. 

They meet every week at 10:30am on a Sunday.

On the fourth Sunday of the month they have a United Service at either Cade or Kennington plus our monthly all-age ‘Discovery’ service at John Wesley School at 3pm. 

The Junior Church, called Lighthouse meets at the church, during the morning service on the First, Third and Fifth Sundays of the month – although there are a few changes to this schedule so please see the website and notices.  

At 6:30pm on a Sunday evening our Youth Group (SKY) meets at the church.

Each week they also issue a Podcast of Weekly Devotions on behalf of the South Kent Methodist Circuit (please follow the weblink). 

Cade Road Church

Methodist Church

South Kent Methodist Circuit

United Church

On the other side of town to the school is their second site in Kennington, on the Faversham Road.  On this site, they worship at 10:30am on a Sunday.

They are a small, friendly church with a fairly informal approach to worship. They are open to all. The age range is from children in arms to senior citizens.  There is normally an input from the congregation into the worship service, and an opportunity afterwards to meet and chat over tea and biscuits.

Please see the website for further details. 
United Kennington ChurchKennington Church

UCA at John Wesley Church of England Methodist Primary School

The Methodist church also run regular events at our school:
Toddler Group: 8.45-11am Wednesdays (term time only) All parents with pre-school children are welcome to join in this friendly group.
Messy Church: 3.00-5.30pm, second Sunday of month. This is a family afternoon of fun and worship. It starts with  an hour of crafts and games, then a short time of worship and all followed with  hot meal shared together. It's all free and everyone is welcome.
Discovery Church: 3.00-4.00pm fourth Sunday of Month. This is an all-age service full of chat, games, crafts and music. It's a space where all generations can share together in worship and community. Come and join us!