Ofsted, SIAMS & School Performance
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They inspect and regulate services that care for children and young people, and services providing education and skills for learners of all ages. The inspection of a school provides an independent external evaluation of its effectiveness and a diagnosis of what it should do to improve. A typical inspection has one or more inspectors visiting a school to find out about them. The inspection will follow a framework and report on particular aspects of the provision. After the inspection, Ofsted write an inspection report. Ofsted publish these reports on their website, and schools then publish this report on their own websites.
The content of a report will depend on the type of inspection. An inspection report will describe the school, then go on to tell you about the inspection findings and judgements with the grades given by the inspector.
We were last inspected in 10 & 11 November 2021. The outcome was The John Wesley CEM Primary School continued to be a good school.
The Ofsted Inspection report can be found here:
The Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) is the Church of England and Methodist Church’s outworking of the requirements of Section 48 of the Education Act 2005. It is a key element of the life of all Church of England and Methodist schools in England. SIAMS explores ways in which each school’s theologically rooted Christian vision drives its work and enables the school to live up to its foundation as a Church school. It does so by seeking to answer six or (in the case of Voluntary Aided schools) seven Inspection Questions (IQs).
We were last inspected on 21 June 2017. The outcome was The John Wesley CEM Primary School continued to be an outstanding church school.
The SIAMS report can be found here:
School Data Performance
Statutory Assessment Results 2024
Early Years | School | National |
% Achieving GLD | 57.7 | 67.8 |
Phonics | School | National |
Year 1 % Achieving 32+ | 70.5 | 80.2 |
Year 2 Retake % Achieving 32+ | 46.7 | 54.6 |
KS2 (Year 6) Data | % Expected | % Greater Depth | ||
School | National | School | National | |
Reading | 77.8 | 74 | 22.2 | 28 |
Writing | 66.7 | 72 | 3.3 | 13 |
GPS | 76.7 | 72 | 23.3 | 32 |
Maths | 57.8 | 73 | 10 | 24 |
Combined R,W & M | 48.9 | 61 | 2.2 | 8 |
Please note that this data does not reflect the school's current position and is cohort specific.
There is no published data for 2020, 2021 or 2022.
Government School Performance Comparison
Government School Performance Tables