Our Governors
The purpose of the Governing Body is to work together with the staff to have a positive impact on the all-round development of every pupil in the school.
The key roles of the Governing Body are:
- Strategic Leadership – the decision-making based around the values, aims and aspirations of the school
- Support and Challenge – the monitoring and evaluation of the school’s effectiveness, asking challenging questions and pressing for development within the framework of our Christian Values.
- Accountability – the Headteacher is accountable to the Governing Body for the attainment and progress of every pupil in the school, the curriculum they receive and the leadership and management decisions that help this to happen.
The Governors can be contacted in writing to the school either via email to the school office or via email to office@john-wesley.org.uk
The Governing Body of THE JOHN WESLEY CHURCH OF ENGLAND METHODIST PRIMARY SCHOOL operates under a Circle Model without Committees.