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Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE)


At The John Wesley CEM Primary School (JWS), our intention is to equip our pupils with the knowledge, understanding, skills and strategies required flourish and become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. Our curriculum intends to develop the whole child through carefully planned and resourced lessons that foster pupil’s knowledge and skills necessary to grow personally and socially, to protect and enhance their wellbeing, to stay safe and healthy, build and maintain successful relationships and become active citizens, who are able to responsibly contribute to our diverse society. We want children to have high aspirations, a belief in themselves and realise that anything is possible if they put their mind to it. Pupils are encourage to play an active role in contributing to school life, for example through fundraising, supporting school charities, involvement in the organisation of events and promoting our school values.

 What do we want from our pupils?

  • To develop a confidence in sharing their own thoughts and opinions with others
  • To develop skills and awareness to keep themselves healthy and safe
  • To develop positive views of themselves and others
  • To develop an attitude of a responsible global citizen
  • To understand and manage their emotions
  • To show tolerance of others beliefs, religions and choices
  • To build positive, respectful and safe relationships with other people now and in their future lives
  • To know about their rights and responsibilities
  • To have an understanding of the British Values
  • To contribute to school life and the wider community
  • To challenge stereotypes  


At JWS, we use SCARF (Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship) programme of study to support the delivery of PSHE and RSE to meet the needs of our pupils at an age appropriate level, in a sensitive and inclusive manner with respect for the varied backgrounds of our families and thier beliefs. This is a high quality, inspiring programme of study with excellent enrichment experiences to enable pupils to develop essential life skills and knowledge to guide them in this ever changing world. It fulfils the requirements of the 2020 Statutory Relationship and Health Education and follows there core areas of Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World. It is designed to be taught in thematic units with a spiral approach, ensuring themes can be revisited year-on-year, and pupils can recall and build upon previous learning and create a toolkit of strategies and knowledge. The units are also supported with the schools use of Zones of regulation to be able to understand themselves and others. A long term plan for JWS has been developed based around this to allow for progression between the year groups.

Children are taught in their classes a weekly lesson. The themes include:

  • Me and My Relationships
  • Valuing Differences
  • Keeping Myself Safe
  • Rights and Responsibilities
  • Being my Best
  • Growing and Changing


We aim to deliver our PSHE and RSE curriculum in a creative way by using strategies such as role play, music, discussion, debate, games etc. Applying the learning in a scenario-based way gives the children the opportunity to ask questions and practise the skills in a safe and caring environment. Supporting lessons worships allow areas to be raised as a whole school and the pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural curiosity to be stimulated, challenged and nurtured.


As well as delivery of weekly lessons using the programme of study they are complemented with campaigns and events throughout the year such as Remembrance Day, Anti-bullying week, Earth Day and mental health week. Also the supporting of charity events such as Red Nose day, and Children in Need.


Pupils work is recorded in a class floor book, over the term all pupils will contribute to the book through the work, pupil voice, photos etc. These books will travel with the children as they move to the next year group, in order for pupils to reflect on their learning and the next teacher to see the class’ starting points, ensuring specific needs are met. Assessment for learning opportunities are built into each unit, which enables self evaluation, and allows teachers to evaluate and assess progress through contributions made by children to class discussions and work in the class floor book.  



It is evident when walking through the school that the development of the whole child is central to the work we do- children are well cared for and the development of personal, social, emotional and health needs is a strength. Children at JWS are able to talk confidently about how to keep themselves safe both in and around school as well as online and have an age appropriate understanding of themselves and others. They care for each other, accept differences and support their peers in a way that demonstrates that their core values match those of the school and staff. Children at JWS are reflective and articulate when discussing their emotions. Children will have developed self-discipline in their choices about how they can stay fit and healthy including wellbeing of the mind and how this will benefit them now and in their future lives. Using scenarios within their learning means that children can apply transferable skills, preparing them to meet unknown situations with confidence. Pupils at JWS are enabled to develop the vocabulary, confidence and resilience to clearly articulate their thoughts and feelings within an environment that encourages openness, trust and respect and know when and how they can seek the support of others. They will apply their understanding of society to their everyday interactions, from the classroom and the school to the wider community they are part of. Pupils will be able to explain what they are focusing on to become better citizens in our school community and the world beyond.


Please go to our policy page for the PSHE Policy : Policies (Key Information menu tab)
PSHE/ RSE Long Term Overview

Relationships & Sex Education (RSE)

The Department for Education has made changes to relationships and sex education following nationwide consultation which came into effect from September 2020 and all schools are required to comply with the updated requirements. The statutory guidance can be found at: 

RSE Guidance


The  guidance focuses on healthy relationships and keeping children safe in the modern world. It also covers a wide range of topics relating to physical and mental health, wellbeing, safeguarding and healthy relationships. 


Relationships Education provides the building block needed for positive and safe relationships, including with family, friends and online. Children are taught what a relationship is, what friendship is, what family means and who can support them. In an age-appropriate way, we cover how to treat each other with kindness, consideration and respect. By the end of primary school, pupils will have been taught content on:

  • Families and people who care for me
  • Caring friendships
  • Respectful relationships
  • Online relationships
  • Being safe


Learning about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up will give children and young people the information, skills and positive values to have safe, fulfilling relationships and help them take responsibility for their own well-being. Consequently, from Summer 2021, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), along with Health Education, was statutory, and forms part of the National Curriculum. 


We have reviewed our RSE curriculum and policy so we can be sure our RSE provision is appropriate for our pupils based on their: 

  • Age 
  • Physical and emotional maturity 
  • Religious and cultural backgrounds 
  • Special educational needs and disabilities 


As part of this process, we  consulted  with parents, staff and governors to help inform our schools’ decisions on when and how certain content is covered and reviewing the policy.

Parental Rights to Excuse from RSE 

We recognise that there may be a variety of responses from parents to the teaching of the RSE curriculum. Some parents may not wish the school to give their child any information about the changes that take place during puberty, however under the new government guidance these are now compulsory teaching under healthy lifestyles and support the science curriculum.

Parents have the ‘right to excuse’ their child from the sex education lessons, conception (this is only in Year 6) however we do not encourage this; research shows sex education is best taught by trained educators through a safe and positive learning environment. Parents need to be aware that misconceptions can arise from natural conversations outside of these lessons therefore we advise all children to be present during these lessons. 


If a parent(s) wish to excuse their child from these lessons, it must be made in writing to the Headteacher.


Please go to our policy page for the RSE Policy : Policies (Key Information menu tab)

Consultation for Parents 

A video of the consultation to parents can be found here:

Parent Consultation


We understand when recording there were some issues with the final part of the presentation as it did not show the video (which we are unable to share externally) or parts of the school website being discussed and shown. Please navigate this page to further inform yourselves.


Below the findings from the consultation period with the parents can be found.

Questionnaire Responses


Programme of Study

AT JWS we support the teaching and delivery of PSHE and RSE by using a programme of study called SCARF, developed by Coram Life Education and adpated by the school for the needs of our children.  

SCARF - Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience & Friendship 

Each value is linked to a colour on the scarves worn by  Harold the Giraffe and his friends, and which everyone in school can wrap around themselves either in reality or in their imaginations, reminding them to put the SCARF values into action. The SCARF values are brought to life through stories of Harold and his friends, songs, films, and thought-provoking and fun activities.

Links and Resources 

Coram Life

Guide for Parents

SCARF Coverage

Leaflets for Families and Children

Staying Safe Online Resources

Suggested resources to support children and discussions of puberty

Help Your Kids with Growing Up: A No-Nonsense Guide to Puberty and Adolescence by Robert Winston 

What's Happening to Me? (Girls Edition) (Facts of Life) by Susan Meredith 

What's Happening to Me?: Boy (Facts Of Life) by Alex Frith 

 SCARF YR6 PubertyBBC MenstrationTalking to Children Kids Big Questions


 Examples of Our Work