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Who are we? 

We are a Specialist Resource Provision (SRP) and known within the school community as Birch and Aspen Class. The SRP supports children with an Educational, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) who require highly specialist provision for their Speech, Language and/or Communication Needs (SLCN). 

The children who have access to the SRP have a diagnosis of:

  • Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
  • A Language Disorder associated with a biomedical condition 
  • And/or a Speech Disorder

We have a team comprised of a Specialist Teacher, two teaching assistants, and two Speech and Language Therapists (SALT) who work in collaboration to deliver bespoke teaching and speech and/or language therapy programmes. Teaching, including English, Mathematics and Phonics, is delivered in the SRP as well as interventions which are targeted to each individual child. As a provision, we follow the National Curriculum, but at a level and pace appropriate for each individual. 

All children are on individual timetables which are organised depending on their individual needs. Every child within Birch and Aspen Class is also part of a base class within the school. The children are taught in their base classes for some of their learning with support from an SRP TA where necessary. We also ensure that the children have access to any extra-curricular activities, school trips and after school clubs. Every child who attends The John Wesley CEMP School attends daily worship, in line with our school's ethos and Church status. 

Our Aims

  • To enable our children to be involved in a base class within the school so that they feel included and part of the wider school.
  • To provide children with a broad and balanced curriculum that is appropriate and accessible to our children.
  • To allow our children to have intensive speech and language support across the curriculum.
  • To provide a structured, supportive and nurturing environment where children can feel secure, develop confidence and achieve their full potential.
  • To use a wide range of teaching methods and strategies to support the children that we teach.
  • To work in close partnership with parents and carers, outside agencies, the school teaching staff and the children.

How do we help?

  • Every child has access to Speech and Language therapy which may be individual or small group. This therapy is tailored to meet each child's targets.
  • We provide small group teaching which allows children to have unhurried time and opportunities to consider their ideas and to plan responses in a nurturing environment.
  • Children are taught in a communication friendly environment so that they feel confident to engage in learning and secure in their interactions. 
  • We use Communicate in Print to support our learning and understanding of our environment. These symbols are also used across the school.
  • Children use Cued Articulation alongside the phonic programme Sounds Write - a multisensory approach to literacy. Cued Articulation is also used across the school. Please see our Cued Articulation Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rnO5l4ZK60 
  • Other strategies used are: Language through Colour, Makaton, Black Sheep Press and Language for Learning.

Interventions We Use

We use a range of interventions to support the children, as outlined in their individual EHCP and Provision Plan documents. Below is information on some of the interventions that are delivered in the SRP by the SRP team. Language Through ColourSensory CircuitsToe by ToeVisual AidsLego TherapyAttention Bucket

Key Documents

SLCN Specialist Resource Provision Entry and Exit Offer

Speech and Language Therapy

Speech and Language Support for Parents of Children 0-5 Years

Speech and Language Support for Parents of Children 5-11 Years

Supporting Understanding

Encouraging Talking