Sycamore Class (Year 1)
Welcome to Sycamore Class!
Class teacher: Miss Bailey
Class Teaching Assistants: Mrs Mitchell, Mrs Rakesh and Mr Blackman (AM).
PPA Class Teacher: Mrs Nickelson
Term 4 Key Information
- We have Forest School in Term 4 on a Wednesday morning.
- We have indoor PE on a Friday morning.
- Parents evenings are Wednesday 5th March 5-7.30pm and Thursday 6th March 3.30-6.30pm. Please book a slot at the office or on Arbor.
- World Book Day dress up - Friday 7th March. Dress as your favourite book character!
- British Science Week - 10th-15th March
Term 4 Connected Learning
Our Connected Learning question in Term 4 will be concluding ‘What would you put in your own museum?’. We will be looking at the monarchy, learning about significant British monarchs through History and end by learning all about King Charles. In Science, we will be learning about the four seasons and the weather associated with each one. In Art, we will be looking at primary and secondary colours, colour mixing, and how artists like Mark Rothko use colour to show emotion. We will also be looking at portraits of the King and how to create one.
Key Texts
Year 1 Newsletter Term 3 2025Year 1 Newsletter Term 4 2025
Home Learning
Year 1 Term 1 Home Learning 2024
Year 1 Term 2 Home Learning 2024
Year 1 Term 3 Home Learning 2025
Year 1 First 100 High Frequency Words
Useful websites
This list is not exhaustive, but these (mostly) free websites can help to continue to develop skills at home. Please let the class teacher know if you have found a good website we could add to our list!
Games for various subjects:
Help for home learning:
Scratch Jr: (programming):
Hour Of code:
Purple Mash (School Login Required):
Education City (School Login Required)
Cued Articulation JWS Phases 3 and 5
Maths games:
Maths Playground:
Number Bonds:
British Antarctic Survey:
Google Maps:
Google Earth:
National Geographic Kids:
Term 4 Home Learning
Although there is no formal homework in Year One, we do have a termly home learning project which can be found here, and on Seesaw (log in information can be found in the children's Reading Records). In addition, we would appreciate you reading daily with your child and encouraging them to complete any activities sent home.
Seesaw will also be used by us to post: Home learning challenges, Reading challenges and class information. Your child can then choose whether to bring their work into class or respond via Seesaw.
Please contact the Office (on 01233 614660, or email on if you have any questions or need help with navigating Seesaw.
What can you do at home?
Read a book you haven't read before (Oxford Owls has some good free books to read online!)
Read and follow some instructions.
Put your books in alphabetical order.
Rank your story books from most to least favourite.
Choose a word or a sound to hunt for - how many times can you find it?
Read to your toys - they love books as well.
Keep a diary every day. This is a really good way to get your feelings out and can be a really good piece of history.
Make up a story about one of your favourite characters from a book or a film.
Draw and write your own comic book.
Write the lyrics to your favourite song, but change them a little bit!
Use different writing tools, like felt pens, crayons, chalk or paint to write with.
Play Countdown. Can you make a target number using only random numbers?
Counting - How many toys do you own?
Sorting - Can you sort your toys into groups, based upon certain criteria (i.e. soft, fluffy, metal, plastic)
Sorting - Can you order toys from largest to smallest? Heaviest to lightest?
Find and write down all objects with numbers on them in the house. How many do you have?
Measure and record the length of a bean plant as the days go on.
Bake a cake
How many small containers of water fit into one large container?
Other activities
Build a den from blankets and pillows. Use it as a reading area.
Make something using real tools. (With supervision!)
Learn computer science.
Learn a language as a family.
DIY Science Experiments
Make a treasure hunt around the house.