Tamarisk Class (Year 4)
Welcome to Tamarisk Class
Class Teachers: Mrs Collins and Mrs Hobby
Class Teaching Assistant: Mrs Traves
Term 4 Key Information
- PE is on a Wednesday afternoon
- Swimming is on a Tuesday morning
- Parent consultations are on Wednesday 5th March (5pm-7:30pm) and Thursday 6th March (3:30pm-6:30pm)
- World Book Day dress up is on Friday 7th March
- Book Fair from Monday 3rd March to Thursday 6th March (after school in Olive Branch until 4pm)
- Science Week from Monday 10th March to Friday 14th March
- Money Matter workshop - Wednesday 19th March
- Living History Roman Day - Thursday 20th March
Term 4 Connected Learning
This term our learning question is: What impact did the Romans have on Britain? We are going to explore this question through our English by reading and writing using the book 'Escape From Pompeii' by Christina Balti and using a non-fiction text called 'Volcano'. We are also learning about the Romans in our History lessons and are holding a Roman workshop with the 'Living History Group', who will be teaching us more about Roman daily life on 20th March. Our Science this term investigates living things, including humans and we will use classification to organise living things in to specific species. In Maths this term, our main focus will be fractions and decimals, in addition to continuing to learn out times tables, which will aid us in our learning of these subjects. Finally, our RE focus is Salvation, where we will be exploring the question, 'Why do Christians remember the events of Holy week every year?
Key Texts
Home Learning
Home Learning Term 3Home Learning Term 4
Year 3 and 4 Statutory Spelling List
Web Links
Times Table RockstarsCoconut Multiples