We have a number of volunteers who help out on a weekly basis at our school. We believe that volunteering has huge benefits for both the volunteer and for the children they are working with. All of our volunteers have a significant impact on our children’s school life.
Many of our volunteers enjoy hearing our children read and they can be supported to ask specific questions of our children to help improve their reading skills. As well as this, we have some volunteers who come into school to help with gardening, building projects and carpentry, sewing, cooking, in our school library etc.
We are always looking for more people to volunteer as our school still has lots of exciting ideas to develop further. If you can spare time on a regular basis, we would love to hear from you as we believe everyone has valuable experience to offer that will enrich our children’s school life, be it with arts and crafts, carpentry and woodwork skills, reading, gardening, cooking or simply life experience.
Please contact: office@john-wesley.org.uk or call 01233 614660 to arrange a visit if you would like to volunteer.