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Why Choose Us?


For parents in our local area choosing a primary school can be hard. Which one of the many amazing schools should they choose for their child? I can honestly tell you that your children will get a great education at any of the local schools, so why choose The John Wesley CEM Primary School? What makes our school different?


At The John Wesley Church of England & Methodist Primary School, our vision of life without limits in all its fullness puts our children and families at the centre of everything. In our inclusive and unique community with two distinctively Christian foundations, every experience enables all to flourish as individuals and to thrive as God intended; mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.


We aim to provide an inclusive, nurturing and stimulating environment for all of our children. Our vision is that through everything we do, we are ‘Flourishing in F.A.I.T.H. (Family, All Included, Thriving and Healthy).


Our number one priority is to ensure that we always put all of our learners at the very heart of everything we do, providing an education of the highest quality for children of all faiths and none, within the context of Christian belief and practice. Our school provides an excellent education for children from 4 to 11 years old. We pride ourselves in delivering a connected curriculum that is purposeful and relevant to our school community. Everything we do in our school is to develop the whole child. All our families are important to us and we encourage all our families to be involved in school life. We believe that working with parents and links to the local churches and community create an environment where children learn best and thrive.


Our school is like a family. We are a community, where the staff know the individuals who make up our school family and know their families too (parents/carers and siblings). We promote belonging, family values and a real sense of collective unity (Koinonia).


We enjoy learning and celebrate our achievements as we support each other every day and aim to excel in everything we do.  We aim to make every member of our school family feel loved, valued and respected.  Together, in partnership with parents and the wider community and the different Church family, we seek to prepare children to thrive.


Our nurturing and stimulating environment means that children and staff are safe, cared for and support each other. We care about our children's emotional well-being, while meeting their academic needs too.  Having this family-oriented approach to our learning and play creates a wonderfully positive environment for all. Compassion and love are key values the staff and children demonstrate daily for each other.

 Our super staff team is positive and highly committed to providing the very best for our children. They are ambitious for all, approachable and passionate that our children achieve their best.

 Our wonderful location and grounds means we can take full advantage of the abundance of open space, fresh air and wildlife right on our doorstep. Outdoor play and learning is a big part of our day through exciting play at breaktimes and lunchtimes, Forest School and many learning opportunities outside.


John Wesley stated that it was important to Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can’ and we aspire for all of our school family to know and feel this message. 


We believe that The John Wesley CEM Primary School is a wonderful, welcoming place to be and you notice this as soon as you walk through the doors. 


To find out for yourselves, do make an appointment to visit us.


Quotes from some of our community…

'From the day my oldest son started to now, it has felt like a second home. The teachers and TAs during the hours of 08:25 -15:15 have stepped into the role of guiding, caring and nurturing my children at every step of the way. Both my boys have loved every adult they have met and interacted with. My oldest is now reaching the end of Year 6 and I can honestly say a huge thank you to all at John Wesley for all the help and the support along the way. The saying is “It takes a village…” well I found mine. '

A parent, May 2024