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Cypress (Year 6)

Welcome our new Cypress Class!

Welcome to Term 1! We hope you all settle in well and are ready to get learning!

Please remember to bring in each day with you: water bottle, coat, hat and sun cream on sunny days, your reading book and reading record.

Uniform: We expect you to be wearing correct uniform every day. You can wear your PE kit on Mondays and Tuesdays with appropriate running trainers and the correct house colour plain t-shirt. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday you need to be wearing correct uniform with plain black school shoes. 

We have no forest school this term. We will be having our forest school sessions in terms 2, 4 and 6 on a Monday afternoon. 

Please see the links below to our termly newsletters to find out what we will be learning about each term!


Please phone the school office if there is anything we can help you with on 01233 614660 or email on