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Tamarisk (Year 4)

Welcome to Year 4 2024 - 2025

 Mrs Collins, Mrs Dunne, Mrs Bolejko and Mrs Traves would like to welcome you all to Tamarisk.

An Outline of Our Learning

In Maths we follow the White Rose and the Big Maths curriculum, which involves using concrete and pictorial methods to solve fluency calculations, problem solving and reasoning.      

We have regular time tables, where we will be learning all our times tables and corresponding division facts. You can support your children with this, by using the following apps such as: ‘Times Tables Rockstars’, Purple Mash (which all children have individual log ins to) and online games such as ‘Hit the Button’ and ‘Coconut Multiples’. These can be found on the ‘Topmarks’ website and will help the children with the speed of recall in a fun and engaging way (Links below). 

In English, we are following the Pathways to Write Programme and link other select texts to our Connected Learning topics with fun and interesting fiction, non-fiction and picture books, covering units which include, fantasy, recount-diary, historical narrative, non-chronological reports and an explanation -letter. There is a key focus on grammar, spelling and punctuation, we look at specific rules and patterns each week to apply to our spellings. In addition, it would benefit the children to be able to spell all of the common exception words for Year 3 and 4 (Link below).

We have recently signed up to a new programme called 'Letter-join' to assist our children in becoming fluent and neat writers. (Additional information can be found in document attachments below.)

In reading, the children will be following ‘Accelerated Reader’, which provides them with a ZPD range to choose appropriate books for their ability to build on their decoding and comprehension skills. (Additional information can be found in document attachments below.)

We have lots of fun things in store with our Connected Learning topics.

Term 1 - Should animals be kept in Zoos?

Term 2 - How did the Greeks influence our lives today?

Term 3 - How do changes in our environment effect our choices?

Term 4 - What impact did the Romans have on Britain? 

Term 5 - The future of the planet is in our hands. 

Term 6 - How is our Planet Changing 

More information can be found in our termly newsletter. (Links below)

Although there is no formal homework in Year 4,  we would appreciate you reading daily with your child and practising spellings and times tables as this will have an impact with their confidence in lessons. We will also set termly challenges linked to our Connected Learning.

Children will be provided with ALL Log in information in the back of the children's reading records.

Don’t forget to keep an eye on Seesaw as we will continue to post work, set challenges and communicate with you all on the platform.

Please contact the school office on 01233 614660 or email on if you have any questions or would like to arrange a time to talk. The children also have their Reading Journals, which you can write notes in to communicate with us.


Newsletter Term 1

Useful Website Links