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Contact Us

Our friendly Office Team will be able to answer most queries.

Your first contact will be with Mrs Johnson (School Office Lead) or Mrs Brient (School Office Admin).

If you need to contact the school about paying on Arbor, please contact Mrs Archer (School Finance Admin).

Family Liaison Officer (FLO): Miss Krawiec

SENCO: Miss Hanks

Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Clark

Headteacher: Miss Harrington



The John Wesley Church of England Methodist (Voluntary Aided) Primary School
Wesley School Road

Cuckoo Lane




TN23 5LW


Telephone: 01233 614660

Email: office@john-wesley.org.uk 


The John Wesley CEM Primary School is open from 07:30 – 18:00,  Monday to Friday. Office hours are 08:00 - 16:30.  

If you need to contact us please fill out the form below, call us or email us directly.


Please complete all fields marked (*)

Let us know why you need to get in touch


Any request for a paper copy of information on our website, please do not hesitate to contact the School Office. Please allow a few administrative days to get such information to you.