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At The John Wesley CEM Primary School, we understand that an important feature of the school is to enable all pupils to develop emotionally and develop their social skills, both through direct teaching and PSHE sessions, circle time, play, worships and indirectly with every conversation adults have with pupils throughout the day.

The school is currently undertaking the Nurture UK training and use The Boxall Profile to monitor the social and emotional needs of the whole school.

The staff at The John Wesley CEM Primary School support the ‘Six Principles of Nurture’; these values are also encompassed within the school’s ‘Flourishing and Thriving Relationships’ policy and the school’s Christian ethos and are listed below:


For more information on Nurture please see the PDF document below

Nurture introduction for parents 

For some pupils we also can provide the following e.g. access to SENCO and /or FLO for wellbeing check ins, sessions with our Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA), Drawing, Talking and Sand play sessions,  mentor time with member of senior leadership team, safe space for deregulation, monitoring via the Boxall Profile.

External referrals can also be completed to seek the support of: School Health, Emotional Well-being Team (NEFLT) or Kent and Medway Children and Young People’s Mental Health Service (CYPMHS).  For further information please see the Social, Emotional and Mental Health webpage.